The Sights at Don Pedro
The Sights headlined the very first show I reviewed for this website. I believe it was also the first show I ever shot with a DSLR. I really sucked back then, but The Sights did not and still don't.
I admit that I showed up late and missed half of their set. From what I heard in the second half they seem to have shifted away from rock and towards soul. They were always a somewhat soulful band so this isn't way out of character for them, but boy did they ever change their lineup. Adding a keyboard, saxophone and two backing singers is not a small change! They haven't become just a straight soul act, though. For one thing the vocals don't dominate the instruments (which makes sense considering how many of them there are!) It's still a lot like rock-n-roll, just with a strong flavor of something more bluesy.
Perhaps I should apologize to the keyboardist and backing singers. I don't think you can really see them in these photos. The new lighting at Don Pedro isn't bad, but the corners of the stage are still pretty dark. It's more appropriate to a smaller band, or one which moves around a little more.

Thee Holy Ghost at Don Pedro
Thee Holy Ghost are pure garage rock with all the musical energy that entails. They've got a "Thee" in their name and they played at Don Pedro so maybe that should have been obvious. They do seem to be of that old school type, more mod than punk perhaps, who mostly just stand there and play. C'mon guys, don't hide in the corner, rock out more. Your music is just begging for it.
In case you were wondering they are not the Knights of the New Crusade (or The Mummies). Not sure what inspired that band name but it probably was not Jesus.
This is the first time I have taken photos at Don Pedro since they put the new lights in. Actually, the new lights have been there for a year or so. They just don't bother to turn them on. Now that they finally turned them on... they look nice, huh? More of that would be good.

The Jigglers at Don Pedro
The Jigglers are the kind of wild and fun trash rock band I used to catch at Don Pedro all the time. As of late it is under new ownership and is actually nicer than before in many ways but... it's not the same, you know? The Jigglers, on the other hand, sound the same as they did the first time I heard them, which I believe was last year. Good! Keep it up!

WLWL at Don Pedro
I was not able to photograph WLWL last night at the benefit concert for drummer Florian, who has spent the past year recovering from a severe illness. He is still partially paralyzed. Hell, now that bassist Rico has to leave the band is falling apart! I am really, truly pissed off that I couldn't get photos at the benefit show. So instead here are some older photos of the band from last year with him behind the kit. Their live show is really something special, so enjoy!

Electric Tickle Machine at Don Pedro
What's blue and electric and tickles? The amps at Don Pedro if you stand real close. As for the band Electric Tickle Machine, they don't have the sheer auditory firepower of some of those punk bands I keep going to see, but they're all right. They have enough energy, especially the cheerleader guy, and a few really good songs.