Las Rosas at Mercury Lounge
Las Rosas are probably my favorite local band right now. Their combination of rock-n-roll energy and old-school pop catchiness is awesome enough, and their sense of humor makes them even better. Gotta love a song about panicking after you lose the cat you were supposed to be watching. Give them a listen on BandCamp and then go like them on Facebook, 'cause they're seriously under-appreciated.

Las Rosas at Mercury Lounge
Here we have something which is kind of rare in NYC: a garage band who sound like an early rock-n-roll band instead of a punk band. Las Rosas are more doo-wop than punk rock, more Troggs than TSOL. Considering that the lead singer is Jose Boyer of Harlem and The Gondoliers that makes perfect sense.
Las Rosas can and do rock, but they also take the time to express some actual emotion. Some songs are effused with sweetness and longing, others are more funny or at least just fun. This is rock with depth instead of just volume. It's especially nice when a band which has only been playing out for a few months has that kind of depth. It means they actually put some thought into the band instead of just saying "Hey let's be in a band!" They sound much better than the average newbie band too. I for one am going to keep an eye on these guys.