Bonaparte at Pianos
Warning, NSFW. There, you have been warned. Not that there is anything really nasty in this set. There is no nudity (close but not quite). Here's the thing... certain of these photos are likely to lead to some, shall we say, uncomforable conversations if your boss catches you looking at them.
Needless to say Bonaparte put on visual spectacle. It was quite impressive for a small venue like Pianos. I can only imagine what the manage to do back home (Germany) where there are better known and play bigger venues.
So what about the music? Well, the first word which comes to mind is "enthusiastic". Many of the songs are on the silly side, but the lead singer (who I believe is also called Bonaparte) sings them "straight", like he has an important message to get across to you, the listener. It might be worth mentioning at this point that there is a sort of insanity theme to their show. Remember the old meme about crazy people believing that they are Napoleon (full name Napoleon Bonaparte)? Yeah, start there and then consider that the band members dress like animals and the "Diva" dancers chew on bloody hearts and are wearing what appears to be garbage half the time (and barely anything the other half).
As "silly" as most of these songs are they are also often quite clever and colorful. Plenty of thought went into expanding the phrase "My Horse Likes You" into a five-minute long weirdly psychosexual ditty. Strange, strange stuff, but also quite catchy. Oh, and all of the lyrics are in English which is convenient for me.