Tropical Fuck Storm at Johnny Brenda's
I barely even need to write up a band with a name like that. Odds are you're already binging them to see whether I made them up. Yeah, they're from Australia, so maybe it means something different there?
If you're still reading this webpage instead of Bing then stop doing that and check out this video first. The video for Braindrops is how I discovered this band during COVID. It captured my sense of malaise better than anything else I heard in 2020. I also loved the cheap and insane DIY aesthetic. It reminds me of the video for Loser by Beck (a personal fave from college).
So now I finally had the chance to see them live on their first US tour (delayed due to the suck-C). If you're into crazy poetry you might like them. Think Protomartyr but more down to Earth... usually... The Future of History excepted. They didn't play that one but they did cover Ann by The Stooges. "Punk but Poetic" is perhaps apropros.
You may notice that I took another break from photography. Although I have been going out I just wasn't all that inspired to photograph anything. I basically saw a bunch of good bands I had seen and photographed before. Concert photography already feels like doing the same thing over and over, at least the band or venue or something should be new. The results are in my opinion a bit on the weak side since I'm out of practice but like I said I don't really need to write up or market this band at all because they're called Tropical Fuck Storm and you're either curious or you're not.