Bat Fangs at PhilaMOCA
This was kind of a weird situation for me. See, I don't expect to top the last batch of photos I took of Bat Fangs, which were at least the best photos I took in DC. *Sigh* I miss the Rock 'n Roll Hotel (RIP). Anyway, PhilaMOCA looks pretty good but it's not the RnR Hotel (protip: take advantage of the projector and bring your own colors). So instead here's something completely different: black and white, garage rock style. I think it works for them.

Bat Fangs at Rock N Roll Hotel
A Supergroup playing hard rock in the style of the late 70s-early 80s (aka the era of the Supergroup), Bat Fangs formed just about a year ago and are already super tight. This of course is the great thing about Supergroups, or at least the ones which aren't just a blatant cash grab which this one... obviously isn't. Take some experienced musiicans, perhaps who have jammed together before, and they can go from bad to badass in no time. Now all Bat Fangs need to do is record more than one single so everyone has not yet seen them play live can grasp just how thoroughly and consistently they rock.