Tancred at Rock N Roll Hotel
Jess Abbott of Tancred has undergone prehaps the most complete metamorphosis from bedroom folkie to grunge goddess that I have ever seen. This simply is not what she sounded like a few years ago. Plus there's, well, a band with her on stage now. But her musical themes still tend towards the personal, sometimes confessional, sometimes slice-of-life storytelling. Lots of "I" and lots of "You" in Tancred's music. It's just that now You and I are backed by catchy guitar hooks and the occasional straight up rocking out.

Tancred at Pianos
Apparently some fans of the artist known as Tancred came out to see her because they liked her other band, a rock band called "Now, Now". They might have been a bit surprised to see her perform solo, especially since the album has a full backing band. But I suppose there is some logic to it. The fans are excited about some new project by a musician they like and want to see it live. The artist wants to build up a separate fan base before assembling a touring band. Makes sense I suppose, though after the fact I started wondering what her long-time fans thought. Hopefully they were pleasantly surprised.