Gringo Star at Black Cat
At first I had a hard time believing that this was the same band I saw before. They were so clean-cut before! All I can figure is that this was the end of their tour (13th show, I believe) and that noone remembered to bring a razor. This is the face of touring, folks.

Gringo Star at Glasslands Gallery
If you paid close attention while looking at these photos you might get the impression that they are out of order. Rarely is anyone playing the same instrument in two consecutive shots. Honestly they might be a bit out of order, but the guys in Gringo Star really did switch instruments between just about every song. The bassist on one song played guitar on the next, one guitarist played keyboards for a few songs, and everyone sang. Only the drummer stayed put. Maybe he had a nice seat and didn't want to move?
Gringo Star have the jangly guitars and raw vocals of a garage rock band. They also have a sort of smoothness which takes some of the edge off. I suppose this could be called a pop sensibility but more likely comes from a 60s Mod influence. At times they remind me of The Kinks. They are also a 60's throwback is that they expect the audience to dance. In Brooklyn no less (how quixotic!) They're not crazy, though. Most of their songs are in fact danceable and even at this show a handful of people got into it. Right music, wrong audience I guess.