The Immaculates at Brooklyn Bowl
Sure, every band has a lead singer, drummer, bassist, but when was the last time you saw a band with a butler? The Immaculates have someone to towel them off in between songs! This of course makes it easy for them to stay so, what's the word... pristine. Actually their bassist probably didn't break a sweat but that lead singer of theirs was all over the place, on the ground, jumping in the air, standing on the monitors and sitting on the amps. Great energy, fun show!

The Dust Rays at Brooklyn Bowl
I took a lot of photos of singer/guitarist Kirk Douglas playing guitar. There is a reason for that. The Dust Rays play bluesy roots rock (no pun intended) with scorching guitar solos but mellower vocals. Guess which one is more exciting to look at? This band is so new that it has no media presence whatsoever, not even a Facebook page. Sure enough they do sound like a new band, a bit off sometimes, a bit out of sync sometimes, but I think they're gonna be real good real soon.

Vensaire at Brooklyn Bowl
Brooklyn Bowl has a a big sound system. Vensaire have five instruments plus electronics. I was expecting something louder, but it turns out they are indie rockers with a folky, introspective bent. All that equipment just makes their musical palette more varied than most. For example when they do use their electronics they use them subtly. The digital sounds don't stand out or seem like a gimmick. The result is catchy, perhaps a bit mellower than I prefer but certainly intriguing.

Liquor Store at Brooklyn Bowl
I can't decide whether Liquor Store are an under-appreciated punk band or an under-appreciated hard rock band. I do know that when people crowd the stage to hear their set then take off immediately afterward, that band shouldn't have been the opener. Also, they should have been allowed to play for more than 15 minutes.

Hungry March Band at Brooklyn Bowl
You have probably heard this band before. They seem to play every outdoor festival and block party. Even if you have managed to resist being drawn in by their catchy tunes you may have been swept into a dance, or conga line, or fairy ring, by one of the majorettes. Definitely one of those "instant party" brass bands. Probably why they get all those festival and block party gigs. I believe this is the first time I have ever seen them indoors!

The Henry Clay People at Brooklyn Bowl
what is it about California which inspires so many kids to form pop-punk bands? They don't like their pop too light, but they don't like their punk too serious either. The Henry Clay People are definitely not serious. In fact they're goofy as hell on stage and quite a lot of fun because of it. And when the band (and audience!) are having fun and the venue has good lighting the result is some great photos.

Man Man at Brooklyn Bowl
My first reaction to seeing Man Man was "Wow, these guys have a lot of junk." They sure do. The amazing thing is how much of it doubles as musical instruments. Silverware, water bottles, keys, I think their plasma globe might do something. Their show is quite a spectacle. Lead singer Honus Honus leaps about, changes clothes on stage, and pelts the audience with feathers and glitter. Most bands who just pelt the audience with spit. Glitter is much more pleasant.