Haybaby at Brooklyn Bowl
Haybaby are a band with a number of female fans apparently. I'm not sure what all the bra-tossing was about but they certainly make lousy pairs of frisbees.
Many of Haybaby's songs start with quiet lyrics sung over a drone or hum, then switch to much heavier rocking out, then back again. It's too intense to be shoegaze, more like grunge, and very cool. On the other hand they have peppier songs like Babies and Storm King (?) which are almost... silly? Not ridiculous, but more of an "I understand what you said but why in the world did you say it" sort of thing. More like The Pixies both lyrically and musically. You might think of Haybaby as a good quiet-loud rock band with a few weird but cute songs thrown in for variety. Or perhaps they just love the early 90s.
I wonder about bands like this where their songs have distinct styles and everyone sings lead at times. Is there more than one songwriter in the band? Is there some actual competition between the different styles, an open question about what the band wants to be? It will be interesting to see how Haybaby evolves.