Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens at The Bell House
I don't think you will be shocked to learn that Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens perform gospel music. You might however be surprised at how much of a show they can put on without being ostentatious. All it takes is heartfelt singing, a fine backing band who can take the lead every now and then, a good mix of tunes, and a band leader who knows how to exault without talking down to the audience.
That last part is important. This is actual gospel music with explicit Christian themes and no intention of sugar-coating them. Don't worry if that's not your thing, they don't ram religion your throat. They do however make glorious music which any music lover is sure to enjoy.
Feral Foster at 345 Jay St.
I am sure that I have put the Roots and Ruckus show (Wednesdays at Jalopy) on the recommended shows list a few times. One reason is this guy, "Feral" Matt Foster, who plays every time and is absolutely brilliant. It is one thing to have a voice which can fill a room but quite something else to actually sound good, to nail the quiet parts as well as the loud parts, and he can do it. Great stage presence too. Solo performers, catch him sometime you can watch and learn.