Tim Fite at The Knitting Factory
It is just me or does Tim Fite kind of look like Rodney Dangerfield in that first shot? Seems fitting. Quite a few of Tim Fite's songs are hilarious or just completely ridiculous. He breaks up his set with video interludes which are also pretty funny. Oh, and he looks a bit like Curly in that first shot too.
As funny as he is at times, calling Tim Fite a musical comedian doesn't really cut it. When he puts on an acoustic guitar he does a decent impersonation of a country singer (visually and musically). Then there are his serious songs about poverty and capitalism. Some of them (notably "For-Closure") are pretty powerful. This guy isn't limited to singing either. I assume he plays the instruments on most of his songs (even if they are pre-recorded) because he shows videos during those songs of himself playing those instruments. Sometimes several copies of himself play along on different instruments. On top of that he does the (simple) animation for those video interludes, and he can waltz too. This guy can do everything!
Believe it or not Tim Fite actually had some success as a rapper back around 2001. Clearly he is not one of those people who is trapped by their early work or by thinking that he has one particular style which his work must conform to. He's definitely not trying to replicate his previous successes by creating something similar either. Instead he seems to be one of those rare artists who has interesting ideas first, then picks the right style and medium in which to express them. Catch him live if you want to see something different and new (and entertaining too!)